Saturday, August 21, 2010

Oh my god... I have a blog!!

Oh yeah... that's right... I've joined the dark side.  Actually, the more I thought about it, and the more I realized the mass emails I told random people I'd send out was never going to happen, the more this seemed like a good idea.  So... let the blogging begin...

Thank you Mary Clare for the fabulous URL.  And for just being fabulous in general.

So... For those of you who have not heard... I'm currently living in Malawi (that's in southern Africa) and working as a Peace Corps volunteer... I live in Mulanje district, pretty much at the Mozambique border.  My official job is a community based natural resource management extension worker... or something like that...  I forget... I'll clarify in the future as I figure this thing out.  Anyways...


  1. hi!! hope you are doing well! yay for blog

  2. Excellent!!! I have a letter to you going out on Monday, AND you have a blog now. :) It's cloudy in Ithaca today, are you surprised?

    If you don't know who this is..think of a certain someone in a Marilyn Monroe dress.
